ten games without scoring for Zakaria Naidji, but an exemplary player according to Olivier Frapolli

The top scorer at Stade Lavallois is not a pure striker. This is Julien Maggiotti, a midfielder (7 goals). Geoffray Durbant scored twice. And Zakaria Naidji remains blocked at four goals. Above all, the Algerian striker has been silent for more than two months. His last goal was against Metz on August 20. Two doubles at the start of the season, since then nothing. But Naidji is one of the key players in Olivier Frapolli’s squad. A technically fine player according to the Tango coach: “honestly, he’s a great player. Obviously, we expect an attacker to score. He started the season very strong but he is really a team player. He is a little less present in front of goal because he plays a big part in building the game. We ask him to pick up because he has this quality of being able to play between the lines, it’s important. it also allows Julien Maggiotti to play a little higher. He’s a very good player. The state of mind is great. He really is a team player, a club player. In training, he is always 100%. He never hesitates to run errands. He always has a smile. So we are very happy to have it.

Before six weeks without competition, Zakaria Naidji – also silent in front of the microphones – would like to find the net again. Logic for Frapolli: “when you’re an attacker and you don’t score, obviously you can’t be 100% satisfied. But really, what is important in our project is that Zakaria is at the service of the team. And generally, when we have this state of mind, we are always rewarded, in the end, we are always rewarded.“Ten Ligue 2 matches without scoring for the Algerian striker. What if this long drought ends tonight against Valenciennes?

Maggiotti top scorer for Laval

Having a striker who scores goal on goal is not easy. You have to find the nugget explains the Laval coach: “the teams which have big scorers in Ligue 2 are often clubs which have the means to have them. This has a cost, it’s like in Ligue 1. The difference between the National and Ligue 2 is significant. Geoffray Durbant has fewer opportunities, fewer possibilities. And when he has, he has a goalkeeper who is superior. For me, that Julien (Maggiotti) is the top scorer, it’s good for the team. What matters to us is that we score goals.

Stade Lavallois welcomes Valenciennes this Saturday, November 12 at 7 p.m. at the Francis Le Basser stadium.

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