ten French deputies discover the scars of the attack


Video duration:
2 min

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – S. Dollé, C. Gascard, S. Guibout

France Televisions

For three days, ten French deputies will visit Israel. For their first day there, Monday October 16, they notably visited the kibbutz of Kfar Aza, attacked by Hamas fighters on October 7.

It is with a visit to refrigerated containers that the visit of the French parliamentarians begins. Lined up, against each other, inside, are stored bodies by the dozens. All these remains are waiting to be identified to be returned to their loved ones. However, most of the corpses are mutilated or charred. This pile of bodies strikes the parliamentarians.What we’ve been hearing since this morning is abominable“, regrets Benjamin HaddadRenaissance MP.

Visit to a devastated kibbutz

The deputies are then taken to Kfar Azaone of the first kibbutz attacked by fighters of the Hamas. It is less than two kilometers from the Gaza Strip. The shots between IDF and the Hamas are relatives. Moshe Sadia, commander of the Israeli army, testifies before them. He was among the first soldiers to arrive on site after the attack on Hamas. Every house, every wall bears the traces of the violence of the attack. In just a few minutes, the lives of around a hundred kibbutz residents came to an end on October 7. Faced with the horror, the parliamentarians present on site regret the absence of a representative of La France insoumise. The deputies will continue their visit with a meeting with the President of Israel.

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