Météo-France warns of risks linked to heavy rain, floods, avalanches or submersion waves.
Reading time: 1 min

Ten departments have been placed on orange vigilance for the day of Sunday March 10 by Météo France, in the center and south of the country, for rain, floods, risks of floods, avalanches or wave-submersion. In detail, Ardèche, Charente-Maritime, Gard, Gironde, Var, Lozère and Aveyron are on orange alert for the risk of flooding. An orange warning for rain-flooding has been issued for the Alpes-Maritimes, also affected by an alert for avalanche risks. In addition, the Landes and the Pyrénées-Atlantiques are on orange alert for wave-submersion, reports the meteorological institute in its bulletin.
Hérault, which had been placed on orange flood alert on Saturday afternoon, returned to the lower yellow level, just as the orange rain-flood alert was lifted in Lozère, Ardèche and Var on Saturday night. see you on Sunday. The Loire and Haute-Loire have also been downgraded to yellow flood alert, according to the latest Météo-France bulletin. “The South-South-East wind has weakened and no longer justifies maintaining orange vigilance”specifies the institute.