The centers concerned are accused of fraudulent practices. The damage is estimated at 2.9 million euros.
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Health Insurance has decided to deregister ten dental health centers from the same network, Nobel Santé +, for fraudulent practices, according to information revealed by France Inter on Tuesday April 23. “This new wave of deregulation is part of a strategy to strengthen and accelerate the fight against health insurance fraud”underlines its general director, Thomas Fatôme, at the radio microphone.
“We see that in this dynamic of setting up health centers, there are clearly a certain number of managers who are not there primarily to take care of patients, but to organize fraudulent practices in a fairly systematic manner” And “unfortunately, we find this, in this case, in these ten health centers”he emphasizes.
The medical activities of these centers, located in four regions of France (Île-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Nouvelle Aquitaine), have been closely monitored by 50 investigators for two years. False invoicing for crowns, bridges, gutters, invoices presented twice or acts deemed unnecessary, but nevertheless carried out, were discovered for damage estimated at 2.9 million euros.
Between one and five years of sanction
In view of these revelations, from May 13, Health Insurance has therefore decided to no longer reimburse patients who go to these centers, or to reimburse them with derisory sums (less than one euro per consultation). . This sanction can last between one and five years, depending on the center. “The signal we are sending to the centers and the signal that I want to send to all policyholders is that ultimately, Health Insurance funding will no longer be used to finance the fraudulent practices of these health centers “explains Thomas Fantôme.
Health Insurance also filed ten criminal complaints against Nobel Santé +, in an attempt to recover the 2.9 million in fraud. Still according to information from France Inter, all patients who have visited these dental establishments in the last six months will be informed of this fraudulent system.