temporary workers, the new “slaves” of traffickers



Video duration: 5 min

Drugs: temporary workers, the new trend

Drugs: temporary workers, the new trend – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – T. Souman, P.-J. Perrin, P. Vaireaux

France Televisions

In the wake of the development of the drug market, traffickers are posting job offers on social networks aimed at young people. Mostly minors, the latter represent a forced labor force, particularly in Marseille.

For several years, “jobbers” have been visible in front of deal points. These little hands in drug trafficking, touts, lookouts, or even sellers, form a particularly attractive workforce for traffickers. Often minors and easily influenced, they can come from all over France to respond to a job offer shared on social networks. “They have nothing to lose, they are there every day.” confides one of them, a “jobber” in Marseille.

Fictitious debts

“They are labor convicts,” insists Mohamed Benmeddour, educator in the northern districts. To keep these young people under their control, traffickers can even create fictitious debts. Forced to work, “jobbers” are the first victims of score-settling. Last November, a 16-year-old teenager from Savoie was shot and killed in a district of Marseille. He had just arrived, with a friend, in the Marseille city.

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