temperatures in France have exceeded seasonal norms for 38 consecutive days, a record

According to Météo France, the mercury has been on average more than 3°C higher than normal for the season since the beginning of April.

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For thirty-eight consecutive days, temperatures have exceeded seasonal norms. France has thus recorded a spring heat record, the previous similar series dating from April-May 2020, announced Météo France Thursday, May 19.

>> Why is it so hot in mid-May?

On Wednesday May 18, the day when this series was exceeded, several heat records had been beaten or equaled in the southern half of the country. “With the temperatures expected at least until Saturday, this record [de 38 jours] is called to be beaten again”warns the forecasting institute.

Since the beginning of April, the average temperature “anomaly” observed in France has reached slightly more than 3°C and Météo France estimates “very likely” may 2022 become the hottest May since the post-war period, thus dethroning the 2011 record, which recorded an anomaly of +1.85°C.

This episode of heat accentuates concerns about the risk of drought. The government published a map on Wednesday where 22 departments appear in red, that is to say with a risk “very probable” by the end of the summer, mainly in the south-east and west of France.

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