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Member of Parliament for French Polynesia at the age of 21, Tematai Le Gayic is the youngest Member of Parliament in the history of the Fifth Republic. He looks back on his journey in the 11 p.m. of Franceinfo on Wednesday June 22.
Invited to the 11 p.m. set of Franceinfo, Tematai Le Gayic, deputy for French Polynesia, is the youngest deputy in the history of the Fifth Republic. He is only 21 years old. “The first constituency is two million square kilometers, it’s three times the size of France, six months of campaigning. I have 40 hours by boat to go from island to island to meet Polynesians and Polynesians. (… ) In front of a former minister of local government, it was almost unexpected to be able to move on to the second round. So we passed the second round, I had a 20-point gap with my colleague Nicole Bouteau and at the end, I passes in front of 500 votes out of 70,000 registered “he says.
Tematai Le Gayic points out that, “whether in Polynesia or in France, a large part of our population is young people and they are under-represented in our institutions. We can see it: this is the category of people who vote the least, who are not interested of political life, either because they do not recognize themselves in the political leaders, or because they no longer see what is at stake in doing politics, or what is at stake in politics in their lives. I found it interesting in my candidacy, it’s that all the young people I met, it allowed them to identify, to come to meetings and to still believe in politics. So we don’t do clearance people older than us, no, we just want to work in agreement with everyone, whatever the generations”explains the deputy.