TÉLUQ University: new certificate in data science

This text is part of the special section Higher Education

In order to meet the growing needs of the labor market, TÉLUQ University has been offering a certificate in data science since the summer of 2022. The program, unique of its kind in Quebec, is already very popular.

We see it in the job offers: companies recruit data science specialists for a wide variety of functions, explains Daniel Lemire, professor and director of the Department of Science and Technology at TÉLUQ University. There wasn’t really any similar training in Quebec, so we decided to develop this certificate. »

The specialty responds to the growing needs of companies, organizations and governments, which need to process and analyze large volumes of data in order to extract meaningful information. This data is extremely diverse, ranging from audio and video files to data on production volumes of a manufacturing industry and personal data of customers. Data science combines principles from the fields of mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence and computer engineering.

The certificate was created following the successful completion of a short program featuring four data science courses on the subject. The needs are such that TÉLUQ University is taking steps to create a bachelor’s degree in the field, reveals Mr. Lemire.

The new certificate attracts students with different educational backgrounds, ranging from management to mathematics, health care or journalism. Since its launch in the summer of 2022, the program has had more than 138 registrations, calculates Daniel Lemire. “We’re talking about more than a hundred students per year: it’s a popular program,” he rejoices.

The 30-credit certificate includes five required courses, namely machine learning, introduction to data science, big data processing, statistics with R software, and a data science project. Students can complete the certificate with elective courses, including data management, statistics, machine learning or courses on the ethical, legal and societal issues of information technology.

Growing needs

In science, data also allow for various follow-ups. For example, with the use of drones and artificial intelligence, researchers can study the evolution of forest cover or the effectiveness of measures in agriculture. In the media, data journalism makes it possible to make figures speak to highlight societal trends.

“Data paves the way for very interesting applications, makes it possible to target consumers, to develop products that better meet needs,” explains Daniel Lemire, about the multiple functionalities of data for companies. For example, the Netflix platform collects a multitude of data. The company can thus know, in real time, if a customer has only listened to a few minutes of a television series and has never continued it. “These data make it possible to know the profile of the people who listen to such a series, we can carry out analyzes and cut out their market, illustrates the specialist. But if someone inserts themselves into Netflix’s database and erases them, the platform is screwed. Safety is an aspect that we develop together. »

In fact, new risks are emerging with the collection of an increasing volume of data. “There are hackers who will look for your data with ransomware, and if you want to find them, you have to pay, gives Daniel Lemire as an example. When a public company gets hacked, it’s a big deal for privacy and security aspects. It’s a national security issue,” he continues, referring to the digital identity projects being considered by the province to better protect Quebecers against identity theft.

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the To have to, relating to marketing. The drafting of To have to did not take part.

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