Teleworking, confinement, resignation… French employees no longer want to move

We had predicted, with the telework boom, a great exodus of workers to small towns in the regions. A survey, released on Tuesday, September 6, shows that the desire to move has clearly calmed down.

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They are concerned about maintaining their purchasing power. They are worried about the war in Ukraine. They fear future strikes and demonstrations in the event of too heavy reforms. Result: French executives are no longer as numerous to consider leaving their company and their workplace to take the plunge into the countryside. A poll conducted by Cadremploi, the results of which are published on Tuesday, September 6, clearly shows that the exodus movement has fizzled.

Over the past two years, only 11% of executives have left a large city for a small town or moved to the countryside. A majority of executives now want to stay in their company and only 5% are actively looking for a job.

However, many had started to search. Another study by Cadremploi showed, a year and a half ago, a 31% increase in the number of candidates seeking employment in the provinces between March 2020 and March 2021. But this desire has not often materialized: a third of of them are afraid of not finding a job in their new region and a quarter are afraid of losing their salary. For a third of them, it seems important to them to stay close to their loved ones and the same proportion is afraid of regretting their choice. They are also reluctant not to find an equivalent position in the hierarchy of the company.

The implementation of the four-day week, without loss of pay, could tip the balance and make them stay in their business. This initiative, which has caused much ink to flow in recent months, is approved by 65% ​​of executives while, according to Cadremploi, it is only considered or implemented in 16% of companies.

The other measures that keep them in place are the adaptation of working hours and confirmation for the future of telework, on which executives now intend not to return, and which is practiced, or at the study, in 82% of companies…

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