Around 1,200 Safran Helicopter Engines (formerly Turbomeca) employees at the Bordes site are working from home. This is an estimate from the CGT union in a context where companies must offer their employees to telework at least 3 days a week as soon as it is feasible. On the whole site, they are 2,400 employees, which means that nearly half of the personnel are teleworking.
Good but can you do better?
Some employees unionized with the CGT would like Safran to step up a gear. According to them, management would brake for fear of the slowdown in activity. Frédéric Herbin, CGT union representative, works in the product quality support sector: “I have a workstation that cannot be teleworked because I control parts when they arrive. I see in my department, some services where there were more people teleworking during the first confinement, there are a lot less today. The impression we have here at Safran HE is that teleworking is a bit constrained for the employer. […] They have this a somewhat archaic vision of teleworking, for them they are people who do not work. There were thoughts, ‘The holidays are over, you’re going to come back to work’, there you go …“
On this point, the director of human resources for the entire Safran Helicopter Engines group, Frédéric Henrion, wants to reassure employees. He promises it will ramp up in the coming days. “On some posts, there is no subject, explains Frédéric Henrion. They are 100% teleworkable, these have been reduced to three days. The big difference compared to two years ago, people who had found themselves in non-essential functions, today we need them. For some, there is a notion of border. Will it be a day or two? For some it can’t be three automatic days. “The management does not want to communicate to date on the number of employees working from home within the group.
– Marion aquilina
Regular sessions of vaccination against covid
Vaccinated at work! This is what some employees of Safran Helicopter Engines have done in Bordes. The company had this in place to make it easier to make an appointment for injections. Daniel Bacqué, CGT central delegate, employee in the purchasing department: “There is an email that is sent to the staff, you just have to register on a file on the dates given by the medical service. The sessions are full! There was one per week in the big periods. It is often linked to the supply of vaccines. “
Moderna and Pfizer
This vaccination organized by the company will continue for the next few weeks. According to the human resources department, there will be a vaccination session every Monday. At least 20 or 30 people receive an injection in this way. It would even seem that among those who register there would be people who until now were not vaccinated and who are taking the plunge, according to the words of the HRD. Regarding the vaccine doses currently available from Safran, these are Moderna and Pfizer.
>>> Go further: results of the consultation at Safran Helicopter Engines on teleworking during the first containment, it’s here.