Télématin: Huge discomfort, jokes about the attacks and zoophilia … the pub launched urgently

Big moment of discomfort in Telematin this Monday, September 5. During the broadcast, Julia Vignali, who was exceptionally in pairs with Maya Lauqué, presented on the set a new recruit called Alexandra Pizzagalli. The young woman is a budding comedian who has had “carte blancheto make viewers laugh. Unfortunately, the experience turned out to be rather chaotic.

To begin with, Alexandra encountered a problem with the teleprompter. After a few seconds of hesitation, however, the situation was sorted out. But it is then the theme chosen by the brunette who seems to have caused a problem. The latter wanted to be ironic on a sensitive subject, namely the Nice attack in 2016 as well as one of the terrorists, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, responsible for the death of 86 people and more than 400 injured. “He was also an extremely violent, sex-obsessed and zoophilic husband. Extremely violent husband… Maybe she was looking for him? By missing a cooking or by giving his opinion. Sex obsessed, each his hobbies. After all, there are many who look Telematin. Zoophile, at the same time in Nice, there are only old women and chihuahas, we have the right to want to send someone who has teeth“, she let go, then arousing no reaction around her.

And then, suddenly, France 2 has decided to launch the ad break, thus not leaving the opportunity to Alexandra Pizzagalli to finish her sketch. For Internet users, there is no doubt that the channel was embarrassed by his jokes. “Oh fuck the shame! I put TelematinI came across a ‘comedian’, she didn’t make anyone laugh, they cut off my ad“, “Haaaa the columnist of Telematin was so vulgar that they cut it live. Wonderful“, “Biggest malaise live on French TV in 2022. Thank you France 2 for the moment“, “Who is the hateful girl who makes everyone uncomfortable with her remarks about the attacks…“, “Nice, I felt really uncomfortable with Alexandre Pizzagalli’s column. Luckily you stopped her quickly!“, can we read on Twitter.

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