Teleconsultation, medical deserts, cyberattacked hospital, Covid-19 … François Braun’s “8:30 franceinfo”

François Braun, Minister of Health and Prevention, was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Tuesday September 27, 2022. Teleconsultation, medical deserts, cyberattacked hospital, Covid-19… He answers questions from Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

“110,000 work stoppages by teleconsultation” in 2021, “twice as many this year”

“Over the last year, 110,000 work stoppages were made by teleconsultation. This was twice as many as the previous year and it will be twice as many this year”notes François Braun. “Of these 110,000 work stoppages, in 8 cases out of 10, these are patients who have a treating doctor and who have had a work stoppage taken by another doctor. That raises questions”he explains.

The government wants to de-reimburse these work stoppages delivered by teleconsultation by a doctor who is not the patient’s doctor, as part of the Social Security draft budget. These stops cost “nearly 100 million euros last year“, explains the Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal on Sunday. The government is wondering about the conditions for obtaining these judgments.

“We are going to very strongly encourage” the interns to go “to the medical deserts”

The extension of general medicine studies to four years “is made to improve the training of general practitioners, absolutely not to solve the problem of medical deserts”assures François Braun, faced with the anger of the interns.

“To respond in part, since there is no miracle solution, to this problem of medical deserts, we are going to strongly encourage these students to do [leur quatrième année] in the medical deserts”having a “different pay”by offering them “accommodation options” and “well-trained internship supervisors who will accompany them”explains the Minister, making it clear that this is a “strong incentive” but that “It is not mandatory”.

Hospital cyberattacked in Essonne: a “terrorist” and “inadmissible” act

“It is unacceptable”, reacts François Braun, after the cyberattack on the Corbeil-Essonnes hospital, in Essonne, on August 22, and the dissemination, since Sunday, of hacked health data. He says he condemns this attack “who can be described as a terrorist” and who puts “danger the lives of patients”.

“We will never give in to this kind of terrorist attack and no hospital will pay a ransom”insists the minister, recalling that the government devotes 196 million euros in total to strengthening the safety of hospitals. “Hospitals were poorly protected, we are protecting them more and more”he says.

New Covid-19 vaccine: start of the campaign on October 3

Facing a “resumption of the circulation of the virus”the “vaccination campaign” with “the new bivalent vaccines against Omicron” will start “from October 3”, announces the Minister of Health François Braun.

“We have seen for three weeks a resumption of the circulation of the virus”he says, referring to “a new booster dose for target populations”. This will concern “frail people, the over 60s, health professionals and people who are in contact with fragile people”. This will not affect the general population, although “of course, if you want to get vaccinated, you can”he continues.

Find the entire “8:30 franceinfo” of Tuesday, September 27, 2022:

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