The safe bet
eye of the storm
By accidentally stumbling upon eye of the stormlast Monday after STAT, we wondered, between two frank laughs, why we had abandoned this family comedy. Rhythmic, funny, intelligent and full of good feelings without being gnangnan, the second season puts forward the excellent comic-natural game of Christine Beaulieu, with whom we are convinced of having developed a complicit relationship so much we believe that she speaks to us directly every time she breaks the fourth wall. This week, we have to see how she takes her revenge after discovering boxes of empty biscuits in her pantry… Another detail to mention: the third season has just landed in the Extra of ICI, section Véro .TV.
ICI Télé, Monday, 7:30 p.m.
The surprise

Get me out of here!
Get me out of here!
We expected to hate this new TVA reality show, adapted from the British format I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here. Watching 10 Quebec personalities camping in the middle of the jungle in Costa Rica interested us as much as watching 16 of them form alliances in a fake house that looks like a Guzzo movie theatre. But now, after watching the first episodes, we know that we will watch the following ones. See Colette Provencher confuse the first winner of Heads of woodJean-Michel Leblond, with a technician from the show and Rahmane Belkebiche (Revolution) having no idea who Nathalie Simard is is just as – if not more – entertaining than watching Jean-François Mercier shiver as he jumps out of a helicopter.
VAT, from Sunday, at 6:30 p.m.
The novelty

The web war
The web war
Jonathan Roberge hosts and arbitrates this friendly show in which two personalities compete with digital content. The funniest part of the duel is undoubtedly the first round, entitled Private detective, during which we unearth the virtual past of the guests. In the first episode, Marie-Soleil Dion comes out of Pascal Morissette’s old Facebook statuses to (gently) humiliate him (“I have gastro”). To take his revenge, the latter unearths a few gems from the actress’ Twitter account (“I’m packing baby”). The rest of the fight feels slightly filler, as pugilists are asked to present funny videos unearthed on the internet.
Unis TV, from Friday, at 10 p.m.
The roll of the dice

For one night only
For one night only
Just for Laughs tries to reinvent the comedy gala formula with this series of four thematic evenings – and uncensored – bringing together several stand up comedic. Mariana Mazza hosts the most explosive of them, at Les Foufounes Electriques de Montréal, in a wrestling ring. Punctuated by comments from the Pat Laprade and Kevin Raphaël duo, this unique meeting brings together Korine Côté, Dave Morgan, PO Forget, Katherine Levac and Simon Delisle, who all adopted a wrestler nickname for the occasion: Hôtesse de fer, Denim , D-Ception, K-Ramel and Chim-Yo. The other episodes, also colorful and directed by Christian Lalumière, are piloted by PA Méthot, Dominic Paquet and Rachid Badouri.
Prime Video