Tele-nostalgia | Series from the past that resonate today

For several weeks, Jean-Sébastien Girard has been watching two episodes of the soap opera Under a variable sky before going to sleep. And sometimes even three. “Because the punches are good!” »

Although it is an “old series” (its original broadcast dates back to the 1990s), the comedian and host takes pleasure in diving, evening after evening, into the universe imagined by Anne Boyer and Michel D’ Astous (Yamaska, The blue Hour), which revolves around the inhabitants of Belmont, a small town in the Eastern Townships.

“It’s a basic TV novel,” describes the TV-nostalgia lover. It’s shot in the studio. And it’s very slow: people sit down to eat dinner, Charlotte Boisjoli serves tea… It takes three minutes before we hear a line of dialogue. »

In terms of intrigue, Under a variable sky seems far, very far from the 10 twists and turns per minute offered by STAT and Company.


Jean-Sébastien Girard

Patricia Nolin opened an inn. She is constantly making salads and muffins. Yesterday, a customer specified that he was allergic to garlic. They talked about it for a whole scene. I was convinced he was going to get poisoned… but no! In the end, nothing ever happened!

Jean-Sébastien Girard, regarding Under a variable sky

“It was totally unnecessary, but I liked it. I just felt like I was a voyeur in the hostel,” he continues.

Cultural Heritage

Jean-Sébastien Girard is far from being the only one addicted to covers of Under a variable skySince ICI ARTV began broadcasting last April, its episodes have attracted an average of 30,000 viewers, according to confirmed data from Numéris, provided by Radio-Canada.

Besides Under a variable skyICI ARTV’s current schedule includes titles like Me and the other, Salt and pepper, The beautiful stories of the countries above And White. And until recently, we could also follow Caleb’s daughters, Time for peace And Throw and count.

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