Teheiura (Koh-Lanta): After a “weird” final, he makes a big decision

On Tuesday December 14, after weeks and weeks of competition, viewers were able to follow the All Stars season finale of Koh Lanta. In view of the cheating scandals that have erupted during the broadcast, it has been decided that no winner will be nominated for this edition. A choice that the candidates understood, including Teheiura, which nevertheless had an awareness.

The season was particularly complicated for the iconic adventurer who found himself on his native island, Polynesia, during the filming. More complicated also due to the high level of play this year. So, Teheiura faltered and cheated. He twice requested food from local fishermen. A fault that he himself confessed to the production, which earned him to be excluded from the competition. This breach of the codes of Koh Lanta It seemed that made Teheiura think, who decided that this would be his last participation.

You have certainly witnessed the end of the season of Koh-Lanta – The legend, which ended a bit oddly on Tuesday, with no winner. Like the candidates of this season, I am happy that the 100,000 euros are awarded to the Bertrand-Kamal foundation against pancreatic cancer. About me, a page turns. I have been on this show five times and I can see how lucky I am. As I said in my book: ‘What we all inevitably gain is to have participated in a unique human experience that opens up different horizons to each of us’“, he wrote on Instagram Saturday, December 18. The adventurer promises, however, not to disappear from the radars since”new adventures are coming soont “for him.

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