Teheiura excluded from Koh-Lanta for cheating: Claude, Sam and Laurent involved? They explain …

Thunder clap in Koh Lanta, Tuesday, November 9, 2021. While he had to face Christelle and Alexandra on the island of the banished, Teheiura was excluded from the game! The reason ? The flagship adventurer cheated, asking a fisherman passing off the camp for food, which he obtained and shared, it seems with Claude and Sam. After the broadcast of the unexpected sequence where Teheiura confesses his gesture , the reactions flared. Sam, Claude and Laurent explain themselves then.

Teheiura, it will always remain, with Claude, one of the best adventurers in the game for me. What happened does not detract from the legend that he is. It’s a bit of a shame, that’s for sure … but I hope he won’t be judged on this act.. I can’t imagine anyone saying that takes away his title of adventurer, says Sam to Leisure TV. I understand that he may have had a moment of weakness … This Koh Lanta was much harder than the others, we all really felt it. Besides, I can see it, I had a very significant weight loss … And then this Koh-Lanta took place at Teheiura, in Polynesia. It can be an added pressure to make the adventure in his place of birth. The candidates nicely spoofed him often on that. Perhaps he could not have made this gesture in another place …

The same goes for Claude. Asked by TV Mag, the emblematic adventurer of Koh Lanta. “Tomorrow, if we do a Koh-Lanta where I grew up, inevitably, I would have friends, people who know me, it’s complicated“, he advances. And to deliver his feelings about the gesture of his comrade Teheiura:”Everyone has the right to make mistakes, he didn’t kill anyone. I am sad that everything he has done for a papaya story is being questioned, it’s a shame. Especially since he wasn’t going to eat them, he wanted to share them.“Finally, Laurent joined the two candidates. Especially since among the ex-reds, food was extremely rare.”QSomehow, I understand … We were so weak … It all goes to show how human he is. People shouldn’t blame him, they shouldn’t turn him on … he’s an incredible adventurer“, he launches at Leisure TV.

In story on Instagram, he is questioned about this fact of the game and while an Internet user asks him if he took advantage of Teheiura’s cheating, his answer is clear: “No. For the time being, Laurent is the only one to ensure that he has not eaten with the adventurer, Sam and Claude, concerned according to The Parisian, did not comment on the subject.

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