Which artist is mysteriously absent from the “trends” lists published by Google in 2023?
Taylor Swift. As noted by the site Gizmodo, the one who was named personality of the year by the magazine Time does not appear on any list sent by Google to the media, either as a “celebrity” or as a “search” subject. The explanation provided by a Google spokesperson: these lists present the new rising trends of 2023, compared to the previous year.
One in three Quebecers has “ghosted”

According to a survey conducted by the site Bonus.ca, 32.6% of Quebecers admit to having “ghosted” a partner or friend.
Have you ever done “ghosting”, this practice of no longer giving news online to a partner or friend? According to a funny survey conducted by the site Bonus.ca, 32.6% of Quebecers admit to having done it; and 43% of those who “ghosted”, to use the expression in English, did so after a first kiss, and 18% after a night. Furthermore, 62% of those who have “ghosted” say they feel “a little guilty” and 35%, not at all.
Pandora box

Of undeniable originality and with breathtaking graphics, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is a great technical success.
Developed by Ubisoft’s Swedish studio Massive, to which we owe, among other things, The Division 2 And Far Cry 3, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora fits into the story directed by James Cameron in both films Avatar. Undeniably original and with breathtaking graphics, the game is a great technical success full of discoveries. But this jungle is so dense that we get lost there. The missions are sometimes vague, the scenario where names and unknown concepts intermingle seems unclear and the indications are often very minimal.
Generative spelling

Since December 5, users of the cloud version of Antidote can request to completely reformulate their sentences.
Editors’ favorite assistant, Antidote, is now embarking on generative artificial intelligence (AI). Since December 5, users of the cloud version, Antidote Web, can ask this AI to completely reformulate their sentences. We have tried this function while still in the testing phase: we are beyond correction here, Antidote completely rewrites lame or overly familiar formulations, as illustrated by the somewhat histrionic example above. “In order to respect the needs of the school environment,” says Druide Informatique, the Montreal firm that develops Antidote, teachers can deactivate this function.
Brushing at a great price

In addition to its staggering price, the big novelty of the iO Series 10 is its magnetic base connected to the internet.
The Oral-B iO Series 10 costs almost as much as some entry-level computers, with its WiFi intelligent charger base, its small color screen, its silent operation which indicates the right pressure to apply. The big new thing is its magnetic base connected to the internet which recharges the toothbrush in three short hours, has a small screen on the front where the time is displayed and, when you start brushing , the count of the seconds to reach the regulatory two minutes. You can not stop progress.