Techno Chronicle | The future of towing could change

We already know the principle of autonomous vehicles that will have the power to transport us from home to the office without the driver even having to touch the steering wheel. However, technological advances being what they are, we have come to imagine autonomous towing.

In fact, it’s automaker Toyota that’s dreaming it up and actively working to transform the future of towing in all its forms. Toyota is in the process of offering autonomous towing, which could, once again, make life easier on the roads.

Free and untethered vehicles

Autonomous towing is also referred to as untethered towing, since it involves one vehicle dragging another without both being attached. The first vehicle operates normally and is driven by a driver. However, it is this vehicle which guides the following vehicle, by dictating to it the rhythm, the indications as well as the trajectories to be followed. The second vehicle only has to follow the first, using a multitude of sensors.


From simple simulations, Toyota moved quickly to real self-driving towing prototypes.

If the process reaches our roads, we will be able to see a towed car which will thus react to all the variations of the vehicle in front, both in braking and in acceleration. In both vehicles, a driver will have to be behind the wheel, but all communications will be exclusively between the two vehicles.

For the moment, Toyota remains sparing of details on this system, but since autonomous driving is already well established in current technologies, it seems to me very possible that this type of towing will be accessible to us very soon.

At the very least, the manufacturer has made it known that it makes it a priority and it proves it with road tests that seem conclusive. From simple simulations, Toyota has effectively moved quickly to real prototypes.

Several journalists were also able to attend tests on a road where two vans, traveling at a slow speed, managed to always remain at a distance of 15 feet from each other, even when they found at an intersection with a red light.

Openness to a range of uses

This is the kind of technology that allows the imagination to run wild. We can think that this technology could be used to transport a family caravan or a personal trailer, for example. Even better, we can imagine driving an electric vehicle and transporting our trailer, saving time and gas.

In a more commercial spirit, some are already imagining this technology for managing a fleet of vehicles. According to this eventuality, several delivery trucks could be driven to their destination using a single driver, and a vehicle much lighter than the following ones, moreover. Some might be happy to proclaim the end of the labor shortage among truckers… On the other hand, the whole thing could turn out to be less good news for truckers, I admit…


We can think that the technology of autonomous towing could be used to transport a family caravan or a personal trailer.

Nevertheless, for my part, my imagination sails more towards road safety imperatives. Although vehicles must be roadworthy to use autonomous towing, this new technology is likely to save many headaches for motorists who could find themselves in trouble on major highways at rush hour or come to the aid of to those who feel too tired to go home after work.

Finally, it is easy for me to imagine how useful this technology could also be in winter, during snowstorms, intense fog or any other occasion where the visibility of motorists is reduced on a short or medium distance.

These are all elements that lead me to believe that road safety would be increased and that make me want to see everything applied to our roads in the not too distant future. Until then… have a great winter and stay safe, above all!

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