Techno Chronicle | Hydrogen in a tube could become a magic paste

If there is one resolution that we must all take as soon as possible, if we haven’t already, it is to replace the fossil fuel used for our vehicles with green energy. All that remains is to know which one.

In this regard, beyond electricity, which is gaining more and more followers in recent years, hydrogen gasoline is gradually interfering in the conversations of car manufacturers.

In my opinion, this is great news in itself, because the more green energy options there are, the more motorists will be able to find the one that best suits their needs.

However, if hydrogen seems to want to be a good “prospect” in the near future, it is because a new technology under development could make it much more attractive than it has been until now.

I’m talking here about hydrogen paste, which some go so far as to call “powerpaste”.

Mistrust, when you hold us…

For the moment, if hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have not yet won the hearts of motorists, it is because of the exorbitant purchase cost that this energy implies and the difficulty in finding the fuel. near.

To date, distribution costs and the massive amount of electricity to cause hydrolysis (necessary to transport it) represent a major obstacle to the widespread use of hydrogen. Currently, you should also know that a hydrogen station costs between 1.5 and 2.5 million (in Canadian dollars).

This is without taking into account its explosive nature. Because if hydrogen comes into contact with oxygen, it can quickly turn into a fireball. Admit that there is enough to curb the enthusiasm.

Some have still engraved in their memory the horrible images of the spontaneous combustion of a giant German airship. It was 1937, but the memories linger. This dirigible, equipped with four diesel engines, was indeed lifted by 16 pockets of hydrogen. Result of this saga: 36 dead passengers.

These are all factors that are dissuasive even if, when we look more closely, we will have to admit that gasoline is undoubtedly more dangerous than hydrogen…

The solution is in the dough

The question therefore arises. What if we were guaranteed that hydrogen gas could become completely safe? Safe enough to leave it in your garage, or even in your glove compartment? What if hydrogen wasn’t even a gas anymore, but was supplied to us as a paste that was easy to transport and store? Interesting, right?

This is what German researchers at the Fraunhofer Research Institute have been working on for several years. This product, which resembles a toothpaste, would have the quality of storing and transporting hydrogen. It could, suddenly, replace the pressure tanks and make all the difference when it comes to its use as a daily fuel.

You see that we are talking here about an innovation that eliminates the major problems currently associated with hydrogen, in particular transport and storage and, consequently, its exorbitant cost, but it also eliminates the problem of its volatility, a unusual characteristic when the time comes to want to lock it up.

You should know that to be able to lock it up and transport it, hydrogen must reach a temperature of -253 ohC, which is even colder than nitrogen.

Finally, the big challenge for manufacturers who wish to use hydrogen to power our cars is to ensure that this fuel produces energy capable of propelling the engines, while only releasing water into the engine. environment as waste. The German researchers believe they have found the solution with their “powerpaste”.

A little tap water, and voila

Another advantage of hydrogen lies in its use. According to the researchers, the motorist will find the method of refueling rather simple. In fact, he won’t even have to drive to a gas station.

The motorist will only have to fill a tank with a determined quantity of water (tap water will do), after which he will add the determined quantity of paste, according to the desired power. The mixture will create a chemical reaction that will push the hydrogen into a fuel cell, where it will turn into energy.

It is said of this process that it could create 10 times more energy than a lithium-ion battery, and this, for the same weight.

For all of these reasons, we understand that hydrogen pulping is seen as an interesting avenue to explore, even if we are still only at the beginning of the adventure.

For the moment, only one production plant has been created and should eventually supply 4 tonnes of hydrogen pulp per year. However, researchers continue to work. Studies are being refined so that this option can be used on our roads in the not too distant future. To be continued.

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