Teaching | A French student without status due to a form error

Due to an error in the sending of an administrative document, a student of French origin from Concordia University who intends to teach in Quebec finds herself without status, can no longer work here and risks losing the right to work in his field at the end of his schooling.

Posted at 5:00 a.m.

Louise Leduc

Louise Leduc
The Press

Camille Dantin, who has been in the country since 2015, made a stupid mistake. Instead of sending her current and valid Quebec Acceptance Certificate, she instead sent one that was dated 2020.

Because of this blunder, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) refused him, on September 13, his study permit for the current school year.

So I find myself here without status and I no longer have the right to work in Quebec.

Camille Dantin

Mme Dantin finds himself without income, having spent tens of thousands of dollars, she says, on his studies and his installation here.

NDP MP Alexandre Boulerice wrote to IRCC asking it to change its decision. “We are well aware that this is an error of the principal and not of IRCC, and that in such a case requests for reconsideration are rarely granted. However, given the professional and academic consequences of a simple human error of administrative manipulation, we still ask you to pay your attention to the file. »

A “positive element”

At Concordia University, M.me Dantin is following a specialization program in visual arts education. However, this diploma will not be recognized in France, and it is in Quebec that she wishes to be a teacher.

Lara Chaparro, math and visual arts teacher at Face school in Montreal, led Ms.me dantin. In his opinion, Mr.me Dantin and Quebec would lose big if IRCC does not reassess its decision.

Just because of a paperwork error, we risk losing an excellent candidate, who speaks perfect French and who is very gifted as a teacher.

Lara Chaparro, math and visual arts teacher at Face school in Montreal

Mme Dantin also has in his file a letter from the school Face stressing how regrettable it would be to have to part with this “positive element” in a context of shortage of employees in education.

In his plea to the Ministry of Immigration, Camille Dantin underlines that if the student visa were only granted to him at the start of the next school year, the consequences would be disastrous. A foreign student is required to attend school full time. Otherwise, “it is considered an offense in the eyes of IRCC. This means that I am no longer eligible for the post-graduation work permit”.

“Once I receive my teaching certificate, designed for schools in Quebec, I would not have the right to work and therefore to teach in Canada. I would have to return to France, where this diploma has no equivalence, and this, with a considerable debt. »

Mme Dantin will have finished her studies at Concordia in May 2023 and she has already accumulated a hundred credits.

IRCC says it does not transmit information to a media in a particular file, unless authorized by the person on file, to which Camille Dantin has consented. The request has therefore been sent.

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