Teachers’ salaries, Culture Pass, educational innovation fund … Emmanuel Macron makes a series of announcements before the start of the school year

The President of the Republic confirmed in particular that the revaluation of teachers’ salaries would be “continued” so that none of them began their careers “at less than 2,000 euros net” per month.

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A series of announcements for youth and teachers. Emmanuel Macron confirmed, Thursday, August 25, that the increase in teachers’ salaries would be “pursued” so that none of them start their career “less than 2,000 euros net” per month. The Head of State was speaking at the back-to-school meeting of academy rectors at the Sorbonne in Paris.

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At this general salary increase, “unconditional floor”will add a “pact for teachers” which will allow them, on a voluntary basis, to “engage (…) in additional missions”such as individualized follow-up, coaching tasks or “meaningful actions”and who will be “paid”said the Head of State.

The Head of State also announced than the Culture Pass would be extended to students from sixth grade. Until then, the latter was reserved for young people aged 15 to 18. This system provides access to individual credit to purchase cultural goods.

The President also announced the creation of an educational innovation fund of“at least 500 million euros”, from September, for establishments wishing to set up a specific educational project. He finally wanted a “deep transformation” vocational high schools through development “internship times of at least 50%”who will be better paid.

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