teachers demonstrate in front of the academic inspectorate against the recruitment of contract workers

Faced with a shortage of candidates, the National Education recruited contract teachers trained in a few days, angering the unions, as in Marseille, where teachers demonstrated in front of the school inspectorate to demand the recruitment of candidates from the additional lists. in the competition.

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[Actualisation 19h20 : A l’issue de cette mobilisation, l’inspection académique d’Aix-Marseille a fait savoir à franceinfo qu’elle s’engageait à recruter à partir de mardi des candidats inscrits sur les listes complémentaires.]

The anger of the teaching staff rumbles in the streets of Marseille. National Education has indeed recruited around 3,000 teachers, trained in just a few days. Rather than appealing to these contract workers, the unions are demanding the immediate tenure of candidates on the additional list, those who narrowly failed in the last competition.

>> Back to school 2022: how contract teachers are prepared in a few days before classes resume

In the middle of the fifty demonstrators, Axelle is part of these famous additional lists. For her, it’s total misunderstanding.

“We are told that there are people missing for the competition, so yes, there weren’t many this year, but there are still complementary lists. Why not take all the complementary lists before calling on the others? ?”

In the department of Bouches-du-Rhône, 56 candidates appear on these lists. Three days before the start of the school year, they are still waiting for the phone to ring so that they can practice the trade they have learned.

For Virginie Akliouat, general secretary of the SNUipp-FSU union in the Bouches du Rhône, this situation is an aberration. “These are political choices, she believes. It is a direct application of the law of transformation of the public service of 2019, which preaches the massive recourse to contractualization in the whole of the public service.

The contractors are selected after a simple job dating and only four days of training. “The State prefers recourse to an adult in front of the children rather than recourse to professionals“, summarizes Virginie Akliouat. According to the unions, the children are likely to quickly notice it.

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