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From September, teachers will be increased by 100 euros. They will also be able to earn more on a voluntary basis for replacements among others. With inflation and the lack of purchasing power, this measure raises questions.
Judith Rockman Papillon has been teaching French in middle school for 18 years To Lardy (Essone). She is paid 1,900 euros for almost full-time. It will be increased by 100 euros from september but she expected much more, given the inflation. “It is for me just a catch-up of 18 years of decline in purchasing power”, she says. “I have the feeling that when I started in 2006, I was better paid,” continues the teacher.
Earn more on a voluntary basis
On a voluntary basis, teachers will be able to earn more: 1,250 euros gross per year for 24 additional hours each year and 3,750 euros gross per year for 72 hours per year. This is for short-term replacements and tutoring. For the union SNALCthis device for making up for absences is not suitable. “This is something that may not work, on the one hand because many teachers are already working a lot (…) and on the other hand because short-term replacements are already very complicated to organize“, explains a union representative. French teachers are already doing part of the most productive Europe with 720 hours per year for a middle school teacher compared to 618 hours in Belgium for example. They are also paid less than our European neighbours.