Video length: 2 min
Education: Teacher suspended after hitting little girl
In a Parisian nursery school, a little girl was beaten by her teacher the day after the start of the school year. The teacher was suspended at the request of the Ministry of Education.
(France 2)
The teacher, who has worked at the school for twenty years, was suspended at the request of the Ministry of Education. The resigning minister Nicole Belloubet denounced the images as “terribly shocking and unacceptable”.
In a nursery school, a little girl is hit by her teacher in the lower back and falls. The teacher then sprays water on her face. The video was filmed on Tuesday, September 3, by a parent of a student present in this Parisian school in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. The teacher, who has worked there for twenty years, was suspended at the request of the Ministry of Education. Nicole Belloubet, the resigning Minister of Education, denounced on X images “terribly shocking and unacceptable”.
“The mother reacted in a very dignified manner”explains Vanessa Edberg, the family’s lawyer. The family of the three-year-old child has taken legal action. A dual criminal and administrative investigation is underway.
In front of the school, parents of students who saw the video said they were stunned. According to the rector, the teacher’s disciplinary file was empty. The teacher tried to justify her anger. “There was an overload of students in this class”said Bernard Beignier, rector of Paris. The parents of students were received Tuesday afternoon by a listening cell.