Teacher killed, fuel capped at TotalEnergies, tax evasion … What to remember from the interview with Gabriel Attal

Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate to the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, in charge of Public Accounts, was the guest of the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Thursday February 23, 2023. Teacher killed in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, fuel capped at 1.99 euros per liter at TotalEnergies, fuel check, pension reform, tax and social fraud … He answers questions from Lorrain Senechal and Benjamin Sportouch.

Teacher killed in Saint-Jean-de-Luz: “A heartbreaking drama”

“It’s a heartbreaking drama” reacts Gabriel Attal after the death of a teacher killed in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Wednesday, February 22. The high school student, author of the fatal attack, said he was “possesses” at the time of the facts. It’s necessary “strengthen our resources on mental health among young people”it is “a major issue”, assures the minister.

>> Teacher killed in Saint-Jean-de-Luz: follow our live

While Éric Ciotti, the boss of the Republicans, mentioned a “enslavement of society”Gabriel Attal affirms that he “Never get used to any violence whatsoever. It is always reprehensible”according to him. “The school must be a sanctuary in which violence obviously has no place. We must continue to act resolutely on this subject”he said.

Blocking of prices by TotalEnergies: “An important gesture”

The Minister of Public Accounts welcomes “an important gesture” the TotalEnergies group, which announced a cap on the price of petrol and diesel at 1.99 euros per litre. “We already welcome the fact that there is a gesture. We can at least recognize that there is a gesture that is made”, he insists. Emmanuel Macron had put pressure on the oil groups, demanding this gesture for the French. “When you make profits, even more when you make them in a context of speculation on energy prices as is the case here, you have to make gestures for the French”believes Gabriel Attal.

Fuel check: “4 million French people” out of 10 million have applied

“A little less than 4 million French people” have applied for the fuel check. The fuel allowance intended for the most modest motorists does not seem to be filling up. Six million working French people have not applied. “We still have to progress so that the French who are entitled to it claim it”, admits Gabriel Attal. The deadline was set for February 28 to apply. The government has decided to postpone it until the end of March.

Tax fraud: 65 pharmacies pinned for “significant fraud”

65 pharmacies have been pinned for “significant fraud” to health insurance for a cost of “58 million” euros”says Gabriel Attal. “We targeted 360 pharmacies for which we had quite serious doubts about the reality of the antigenic tests that had been carried out”, he says. More generally, the Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts indicates that the recovery of tax fraud had broken a record with 14.6 billion euros in 2022. The objective, “It’s about going as far as possible. Why? Because cheating is stealing” And “it’s” demoralizing for millions of French people who go to work every day “. Regarding contribution fraud for companies, “we have doubled what we detect and what we cover in ten years. I would like to double again in the next five years”explains Gabriel Attal.

Pensions: there will be no “obstruction maneuvers” of the oppositions in the Senate

“I don’t believe everything” Has “obstruction maneuvers” opposition to the Senate on the pension reform, believes Gabriel Attal. Jean-Luc Mélenchon was delighted that the Nupes wishes, as in the National Assembly, to prevent the vote on article 7 on the postponement of the legal retirement age. “There is a very great responsibility of senators, including those who are in opposition to the government”judges the minister. “Every time I go to the Senate on legal texts, the senators will discuss the subjects in depth. There are no obstruction maneuvers as we have seen in the Assembly with La France insoumise and Nupes They did everything to block the debates, but by blocking the debates. Once again, they showed their true face”insists the Minister Delegate.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Thursday February 23, 2023:

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