Taylor Swift, vinyl champion

Taylor Swift’s domination of the music industry is confirmed once again: the superstar is, for the third year in a row, the biggest seller of vinyl records in the United States.

Last year, the versatile queen of pop sold 3.5 million LPs, a nice word that would probably have disappeared, were it not for the slow and constant resurgence of this format over the last 20 years. Better, five Taylor Swift albums appear in the first 7 positions of the top 10 vinyl sales south of the border, according to the firm Luminate, cited by the magazine Billboard.

This record market remains marginal – it sold 50 million units in 2023 – but is probably dominated by young buyers. The other artists appearing in the top 10 at least encourage us to make this deduction. This is Travis Scott (4e position), Olivia Rodrigo (6e) and Lana Del Rey (8e and 10e).

Only one record released before the year 2000 appears in this list, a classic among classics: Rumors by Fleetwood Mac. This record was undoubtedly resurrected thanks to Daisy Jones & The Six, miniseries broadcast on Amazon adapted from the novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid. What is the link ? The American author admitted that her fictional band was inspired by Fleetwood Mac.

Billboard specifies that Luminate data further indicates that in terms of total sales for the year 2023, Metallica (378,000 copies) and The Beatles (373,000) also rank high. Lana Del Rey then finds herself in second position with 646,000 vinyls sold, but far, very far from Taylor Swift’s 3.5 million.

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