Tayc sniffs panties in the middle of a concert, big discomfort on Twitter!

At his last concert, Tayc got some panties back from who knows where and sniffs her full nose. Sequence filmed, the video is currently making the rounds on Twitter, creating unease among Internet users. “Every time I click on a video about a Tayc concert I know I’m going to see something hot but that’s too much, it’s DOAT (crazy of all time)”, “tayc c’ is really a big filthy“, “never a human disgusted me as tayc disgusts me, it’s too much to be a disgusting in this way”, “the tayc concerts are a fucking meeting between sexual freaks it’s scary all the same”, “but wsh the tayc concerts are downright hell”, “Beyond being disgustingI simply think that TayC does not respect women”, can we read on the Web among the tens of thousands of tweets of this kind. In short, a performance by Fauve Hautot’s sidekick did not have the desired effect…

One more controversy for the rapper, who took a huge outcry on social networks last month after a disastrous concert. It was in Rwanda that Tayc gave an appointment to his fans and particularly to one of them whom he brought up on stage. As a result, she was left by her companion after a very ole ole dance with the rapper. A big bad buzz ensued, forcing Tayc to speak on Twitter. “From this day forward, gentlemen and ladies, I have made a sincere resolution. What you see there is a white flag because I want to advocate peace. From this day forward, Friday August 19, I will not no more fans on stage, it’s decided, over. Gentlemen, ladies, waving white flag, peace treaty, you can finally invite your girlfriends, your cousins, your sisters in concert. There will only be one musical sharing and reading a detective novel why not”, had written the rapper. And that’s not all, another woman who attended this concert in Rwanda risked prison. In question, his outfit deemed too “provocative” by the authorities. If for once the rapper had nothing to do with it, he did not react and that, the fans did not appreciate. “Tayc’s silence since this matter came out is chilling. A lot of her fans are young girls/women, does she only interest you when it comes to buying and streaming singles?”had commented a twitta.

Antoine FM

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