Tayc (DALS) as a couple and soon to be a dad? A family video makes a lot of talk…

Are we facing a big announcement from tayc ? The singer also known for winning Dance with the stars (season 11, in 2021) with his partner and accomplice Fauve Hautot, shares an incredible family video this Wednesday, March 30, 2022 on social networks. The interpreter of Dodo strikes a pose alongsidea young pregnant woman, whom he presents as his “wife” !

It is on Instagram that Tayc, with his real Julien Bouadjie sound, shares his happiness, on video. In these images, the star appears surrounded by three women, all dressed in cream and brown tones. A chic dress code for a major event! Indeed, one of the pretty young women wears a long white dress revealing an already well-rounded belly of a future mother. In the background, a wall with the inscription “oh baby“decorated with superb flowers, and in front of the quartet a table with several plates, ready to accommodate appetizing sweet and savory dishes. There is no doubt: this is a baby shower !

She gave it to me…“, writes Tayc in the caption of this video, with two emojis, one representing a baby and the other a white heart. These few words refer to one of his songs called Give it to me, where it is a question for him of becoming a father. “Even pregnant you must be class (…). Well yes, our child will be someone. The most important thing for a man is to give the best life to his family. To watch even when everyone is asleep. This world is so small in front of your smile. I knew how to marry a lioness, so my children will live well, I can go away“, sings Tayc.

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