The Minister of Transport also announced on Friday “the strengthening of driver training”, with the integration from 2024 of an “awareness module on sexist and sexual attacks”.
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Announcements awaited by associations. Following a meeting with the committee dedicated to the fight against this violence in taxis and VTCs, Friday November 24, the Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, took measures aimed at “fight against the scourge” gender-based violence in transport.
“Today, we are further strengthening our arsenal of protection for women in transport, by excluding from the profession of taxi and VTC driver any person who has been the subject of a sexist or sexual conviction . It’s common sense: tolerance 0″did he declare.
Strengthen training
In addition to these exclusion measures and “the broadening of the conditions of restriction of access to the profession”, the minister announced “strengthening driver training”with the integration from 2024 of a “awareness module on sexist and sexual attacks”, intended for new entrants to the profession, but also for practicing drivers thanks to continuing training.
For her part, the Minister of Higher Education and Research Sylvie Retailleau announced on Friday the deployment of an envelope of 1.8 million euros to support the projects of 60 associations involved in the fight against gender-based violence. and sexual, according to a press release. The consent awareness campaign “No, yes, it’s forbidden.”will also be renewed in establishments for one year.
This communication campaign, which will last one month and cost 1 million euros, “responds to an alarming observation: almost all women, nine out of ten women, report having suffered verbal or physical attacks on public transport, (…) whistling, insults, even sexual assault or even rapes. This is totally unacceptable”, said the head of government, Elisabeth Borne.