On the right, as on the left, there is no question of launching into the development of a full counter-budget but the oppositions nevertheless wish to present measures in the coming weeks.
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Bruno Le Maire presented the finance bill for 2024 on Wednesday September 27. The oppositions are working to develop counter-proposals. The financial specialists of Nupes did not wait for the announcement of the budget and started working a week ago. They will present their copy in mid-October, when the government budget arrives in the chamber.
Nupes “chooses its battles”
It will not be as exhaustive as last year, when they declined the entire Nupes program in the legislative elections. This year, “we choose our battles”, confides Éric Coquerel, LFI president of the finance committee. The left focuses on emergency measures in terms of purchasing power, housing, ecology… A lot of spending therefore, but also revenue. They will, for example, put the question of the taxation of superprofits back on the table. The life of the Nupes is not a long, quiet river on a daily basis, but on the budget, no incident.
The right is also working on its counter-budget. Three meetings have already been organized around Eric Ciotti, the party boss. There was an option to present this counter-budget almost at the same time as that of the government but LR was not quite ready. “We’ll draw as soon as we’re done.”, confides a manager. The right is not launching into a complete counter-budget either but favors major directions: reduction of compulsory deductions, purchasing power, family policy…
The right is tracking down economies
We should expect more savings than the 16 billion planned by Bruno Le Maire. “Half of public spending is devoted to social welfare, is all this spending legitimate and effective?”, asks an elected official. It is in this field that the right tracks economies, as well as the functioning of the State. For the right, the challenge is to show that there is a better manager than Emmanuel Macron.
On the RN side, not sure that there is a counter-budget presented. An RN leader admits: “We’ll see if people are interested in counter-budgets”. In any case, the debate will take place on the basis of the government’s project. Everyone will be able to defend their proposals, before of course 49.3 shortens the discussions.