tax cuts to encourage landlords to lower rents


France 3

Article written by

J. Bigard, AC. Le Sann, JM. Mier, A. Belderrain, JA. Balcells, F. Dumont, France 3 Aquitaine – France 3

France Televisions

While families are struggling to find housing, 3 million homes remain unoccupied, according to INSEE. Faced with this observation, the government wants to encourage owners to rent their property. The Housing Minister announced a tax cut in exchange for affordable rent.

Empty apartments and houses do not find takers, while many find it very difficult to find accommodation in France. Vacant housing swarms across the whole of France. In the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, they represent 8.1% of the housing stock, against 8.5% in Paris. In areas where people have difficulty finding housing, 300,000 homes are said to be unoccupied. To put an end to this paradox, the government will encourage landlords to lower rents thanks to a broad tax incentive throughout France.

A 15% drop in rent compared to the market average would then result in a 15% tax reduction. For a 30% drop in rent, on the other hand, tax will decrease by 35% on property income. “Many French people are eligible for subsidized housing, social housing, intermediate housing, and cannot find. It is important that they go and find in the private park. From the owner’s point of view, it must remain profitable“, Explain Emmanuelle Wargon, Deputy Minister of Housing.

A device well received by the National Union of Property Owners (UNPI), but it remains attentive to its implementation, because the precedent has proved too complicated.

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