Taubira committee activists run after time and support

Christiane Taubira gathers her troops in Créteil (Val-de-Marne) on Saturday February 12. The ex-Minister of Justice is capping below 4% in the polls and has collected only 47 sponsorships. While she will try to energize her campaign with this public meeting, others are working behind the scenes for their candidate, sometimes with difficulty: the militants of the Taubira committees who called her to run.

In Rennes, on the forecourt of the university, they stand a few steps from activists of Nathalie Arthaud, another left-wing presidential candidate. Amel walks up to two female students with a determined step and throws a “Hello ladies !” jovial. “Ms. Taubira for the union of the left in the presidential elections!” The answer is not long in coming: “Uh, no thank you…”

No time to give up. Christiane Taubira arrives late in the race for the Elysée: there are only a few weeks left to convince. “It’s been a year and a half, we call him to present himself. This is the second stage”explains Amel. “It’s the hardest, but we’re enthusiastic. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be there on the pitch, every weekend, every week, we tow, we stick. We are still hopeful.”

Beside her, Jeremy distributes as many leaflets as possible. This member of Young with Taubira was however doing the markets for Anne Hidalgo a few months ago.

There was a feeling of weariness, but when it was for Taubira, people would retrace their steps to get a leaflet. That never happened for Hidalgo.

Jeremy, activist

at franceinfo

In the ranks of these activists, there are fans, like Suzanne and Mathis, who admire Christiane Taubira.

“It is thanks to her, in particular, that gay marriage was legalized. That is very important”recalls Mathis. “She’s still someone who represents something, we would like to have her as president.” But Suzanne nuance: “You have to know how to keep a certain distance. We will first see what it presents.”

The program, only a few lines on the flyer, is the problem of Gwénolé, 23, who does not fail to point it out to an activist: “The program doesn’t seem very extensive…” The activist has his arguments ready: “It is co-constructed as it goes along, with the citizens!” Gwénolé gets annoyed: “No, but… We are two months away from the presidential election. It’s in two months! It’s in 60 days!”

There are plenty of candidates on the left, the extreme right is at the gates of power and we are dividing, when we should line up behind the candidate who is best placed. This is not serious.

Gwenolé, 23 years old

at franceinfo

It is precisely for unity that the militants of the Popular Primary join the ranks of the Taubira committees. This is the case of Charlotte Marchandise, the penultimate arrival in the citizen election.

I am campaigning for the union carried and embodied by the candidacy of Christiane Taubira. If we have a Taubira-Jadot or Jadot-Taubira pair, but so much the better!

Charlotte Merchandise

at franceinfo

The former elected Rennes will not admit defeat: “We will campaign and we will pass the Yannick Jadot and Christiane Taubira leaflets together and we will try to extend to Anne Hidalgo and Jean-Luc Mélenchon to Fabien Roussel. If there is no union, I would vote white. “

In an attempt to get Christiane Taubira off in the polls and perhaps succeed in convincing the other candidates, these activists want to go further, with a major door-to-door operation in the coming days.

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