Tatiana Laurence 8 months pregnant and hospitalized: “the baby has not moved for several days”

It was then Tatiana Laurence who wanted to give her news on her news feed after having received many messages. First of all, she did not fail to thank Internet users for their unwavering support. Then, she announced that she had been hospitalized urgently because she had “all the symptoms of Covid“.”Non-stop fever for almost a week. Suddenly I’m extremely cold, suddenly I wake up in a pool of water. Cough which tears the throat, trachea, bronchial... Throat on fire, inability to swallow, eat or drink. Difficulty in breathing, the tracks are blocked. The nose is completely blocked. (…) I lost two senses, smell and taste 100%. Intense fatigue, impossible to get up, move around, stay up, sleep is always present. Loss of 2 kilos. Soon in the 9th month of pregnancy, that really wasn’t a good omen“, she clarified.

As if that weren’t enough, her gestational hyperthyroidism was disturbed by these symptoms. She has “an excessively high heart rate“which took its toll on her baby.”Our baby because of my fever, did not move for several days, as we panicked …. ”She continued. Fortunately, she can count on Xavier Delarue to support her once again in this event, even if he is not in top form either.

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