Tapeworm (tapeworm)

What is it about ?

The tapeworm or tapeworm is a flatworm that lives as a parasite in humans and animals. It can measure from a few centimeters to several meters. If humans eat food contaminated with tapeworm eggs or larvae, especially raw or undercooked meat, raw or undercooked fish and contaminated vegetables, then these eggs or larvae end up in the intestine of the man. These larvae feed in the intestine at the expense of the host.

Tapeworm disease is a parasitic infection. The worm looks like a ribbon made up of small, white, rectangular, flat rings, each measuring about one centimeter. It clings with its head to the wall of the intestine, continues to grow and in turn lays eggs. He regularly loses rings, which are found in the stool. Sometimes these rings spontaneously release and exit the intestine through the anus.

The most common species in our regions are beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata), transmitted by contaminated beef, and pork tapeworm (Taenia solium), transmitted by contaminated pork. Most tapeworms only affect the intestine. With the exception of the pork tapeworm, the larvae of which can invade the rest of the body and nestle in cysts, including in the brain. This phenomenon is known as cysticercosis. Cysticercosis is very rare, but can be fatal.

What is its frequency?

With us, the tapeworm has become rare in humans thanks to the strict controls put in place in slaughterhouses, thanks to good general hygiene conditions and simple measures applied in the kitchen, in particular sufficient cooking of our meats. However, a few cases remain possible, mainly following the import of meat or during holidays spent in countries where tapeworms are still widespread. It is estimated that there are 11,027 cases of T. saginata in humans in Belgium.

How to recognize it?

Most of the time, the tapeworm does not cause any symptoms. Diffuse stomach aches or nausea are sometimes felt. People who are infected do not lose weight, it is a legend. Tapeworm rings that pass in the stool can sometimes be noticed when going to the toilet. Rings that break free are sometimes found in underwear or in bed sheets.

How is the diagnosis made?

The GP will ask you to bring him a stool sample. This will allow the laboratory to detect the presence of larvae and identify the type of tapeworm that infected you. Several samples are sometimes necessary, because the tapeworm does not lay continuously and does not release rings all the time.

What can you do ?

Whether at home or on vacation, eat only well-cooked meat and well-washed vegetables. You can eat raw meat, fish or fish eggs if they have been frozen at -18 ° C for a minimum of 24 hours.

What can your doctor do?

The tapeworm head will not come off on its own: an antiparasitic treatment will have to be taken. After three months, a stool test will ideally be done to make sure that the tapeworm is completely gone.

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Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Tæniasis’ (2000), updated on 02.16.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 03.11.2019 – ebpracticenet