tap water placed under surveillance in 45 municipalities



France 3

Article written by

N. Boubetra, R. Vivenot, E. Henry, N. Sadok – France 3

France Televisions

Tap water is placed under enhanced surveillance in 45 municipalities in Hauts-de-France. The Regional Health Agency announced having found a pesticide intended for the cultivation of beets, which is nevertheless prohibited in France.

45 towns in Hauts-de-France have learned that their water has been monitored by the Regional Health Agency since July. What to worry the inhabitants, as in Hartennes-et-Taux (Aisne). Friday, September 16 in the morning, in front of the school, the subject was in all the conversations. A woman, five months pregnant, wonders about the consequences and regrets not having been informed of the situation.

These are the metabolites of chloridazone who are in question. These substances from pesticides are used in the cultivation of beets. The product has been banned in France since January 2021 but it is still present in groundwater. According to the health authorities, its presence is not dangerous if its value does not exceed 3 micrograms per liter of water. However, they recognize that this threshold is not validated by any scientific study. It will be necessary to wait several months to know the results of the analyses.

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