Tap water again consumable

Tap water is consumable again in Châteauroux after 48 hours of crisis!

Distributions of mineral water had been organized on Friday evening in Châteauroux. Be careful to let the water run for 3 minutes to purge the taps that have not been used in recent days.

Four mineral water distribution points have been set up this Friday evening:

  • In the center of La Valla, behind the Balsan’éo aquatic center
  • At the Saint-Denis gymnasium
  • At the bowling alley of Belle-Isle
  • In front of the national Equinoxe stage

Each time, a pack of water is given to each household. Two other distribution points are to open on Saturday in Châteauroux to streamline and simplify procedures. Deliveries for the elderly registered in the file of fragile people and those who benefit from home meal delivery are also planned for this Friday evening. This concerns 720 people. If you have any questions, call 05 87 23 10 09.

Risks of minor gastric disorders mainly

The town hall of Châteauroux indicates that the bacteria level is low. Therefore, there are risks of minor gastric upset. Do not call 15 or 18 if you do not have serious symptoms. If you have a few mild symptoms, you can hydrate yourself with sugar water or fruit juice.

source site-38