Tandem: An actress from the series in a relationship and married to another famous comedian

Astrid Veillon and Stéphane Blancafort have been back on France 2 for a few weeks in the series Tandem. The broadcast of this 6th season continues and, every Tuesday, viewers find the characters who revolve around the famous duo: Captain Sabine Mauriac, the medical examiner Franck Marvaud, for example, or even Lieutenant Ines Zaidi, who joined the adventure in the third season of the program. But, did you know? The actress who lends her face to the character, Baya Rehazis no longer a heart to take for a long time.

We know that the heart of Inès Zaïdi beats wildly for Paul, in the series Tandem. In real life, Baya Rehaz, her interpreter, is in a relationship with an actor you know very well… since it is Amaury de Crayencourwho plays Dr. Grégory Derek in the series Our dear neighbors and appeared in episodes of Julie Lescaut, The office of legends and recently Cassandra. In the cinema, the public also saw him in Don’t tell him in 2016, in Pupil in 2018 or in My unknownby Hugo Gélin, in 2019. In a relationship for several years, the lovebirds had two children together : a 4-year-old girl and a boy born in January 2009.

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