Tame fall with the Gélinas sisters

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

On the occasion of the release of their book written with six hands, Well-being inspired, Mitsou, Noémie and Abeille Gélinas provide readers with some advice for better coping with the change of season thanks to the triptych of heart, body and mind. While the arrival of autumn is conducive to temporary depression, the three sisters have indeed several secrets to avoid being overwhelmed.

respect for the body

Professional masseuse at the origin of lomi-atsu and author of the book Belly massage and oriental philosophy for all, Noémie recalls first and foremost the essential nature of breathing for our well-being. “Breathing exercises can be incorporated into any time of the day. The main advantage of these is that they allow us to refocus,” she explains. Although there are specific techniques, such as abdominal or thoracic breathing, “returning to basic inspirations and expirations is already a good start”. Noémie also believes that breathing is a great way to be more in tune with your body.

For her part, Abeille recommends listening to music and practicing ecstatic dance. “Making the body move, it gets the blood circulating! says his sister Noémie.

As women, we also need to respect our hormonal cycle in order to connect with our bodies, notes Mitsou. “I have often felt guilty during my regular lows in energy, but they are completely normal. Having the wisdom to understand our cycle is already a good thing. We only get benefits from it, ”she warns.

The importance of nature

“It’s since I slowed down my movements that the forest, for me, has come alive. This extract from his favorite book, the work of Marlen Haushofer The invisible wall, is somehow Mitsou’s mantra. “What’s interesting about this is that no one can deny that nature is a great way to reconnect with the real and the basics of life,” she notes. If, at this moment, the festival of fall colors delights Quebec, it is, for her, essential to take advantage of what the trees have to offer the most flamboyant before they lose their leaves.

And when you don’t have access to nature, Mitsou simply advises to raise your eyes to the sky and observe the spectacle. “According to scientist John Young, contemplating the flight of birds makes us realize that they have more or less the same temperament as us humans, and that communion is fundamental for our good balance. The facilitator also believes that looking at what is happening above our heads promotes active meditation and our anchoring to the real things in life.

The benefits of a flame

Light therapy is a technique that overcomes, in particular, the lack of sunshine in autumn and winter, often responsible for seasonal lows in morale, using a special lamp. For its part, Abeille presents another very special option. In the early morning, when it is still dark, or even completely dark, she offers to light a few candles. “Candlelight isn’t just for romantic dinners!” she laughs. On the contrary, their soft light creates an atmosphere conducive to taking care of yourself at home. “It warms the interior of our space, but also our body, indicates Abeille. It sets the tone for the day and it slows us down. According to her, lighting a candle or two on the table forces us to reflect on the day that is beginning and on our intentions, just like making time for breakfast. “It’s a nice wink to start off on the right foot! says Bee. A technique also tested and approved by his eldest, Mitsou.

Well-being inspired. Find harmony Body Heart Spirit, Abeille, Noémie and Mitsou Gélinas, Edito Editions, Montreal, 2022, 244 pages

The Gélinas sisters also suggest

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