Tamazgha Festival

France Bleu Provence in partnership with Sud Culture presents the Tamazgha Festival, between the memory of traditions and current interbreeding.


the Tamazgha Festival is produced by South Culturean association created by music enthusiasts gathered around a project of enhancement of North African musical and cultural heritageespecially Berber.

The Festival illustrates, since its creation in 2006, a certain desire to make culture accessible to all, by offering an ambitious program bringing together rising stars and confirmed artists..

The music workshops present during the Tamazgha Festival

A programming of shared expressions.

The festival takes place according to a concept mixing professionals and amateurs, musicians and music lovers, young and old. On the program for this 2022 edition :

  • Music workshops.
  • Introduction to Berber calligraphy.
  • Musical conference on Berber music of the 1970s.
  • Closing concert with TAKFARINAS, with an opening dance performance (by Salima Iklef)

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This 17th edition will take place at Campagne Lévêque, at the 15th Art and at the Théâtre de la Sucrière for the closing evening.

The complete program of the Tamazgha Festival
The complete program of the Tamazgha Festival

Info and reservations : here

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