talks between London and Paris will continue next week

A meeting took place this Thursday in Paris between British Secretaries of State David Frost and French Clément Beaune.

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Still no deal in sight for the French fishermen in the English Channel. Discussions between France and UK over post-Brexit fishing licenses to continue “At the beginning of next week”, the British government announced Thursday, November 7 after a meeting in Paris between British Secretaries of State David Frost and French Clément Beaune. “There are still important disagreements”, said the French minister to France Televisions, after this meeting.

“As expected, they discussed all the difficulties resulting from the implementation of the agreements between the UK and the EU. Both sides set out their positions and concerns.”, said a spokesman for the British government, recalling that David Frost, in charge of Brexit for the British government, is to meet Friday in Brussels with the vice-president of the European Commission, Maros Sefcovic.

“As long as the dialogue seems possible, resumes and continues, we give it a chance without naivety, with exigency. If the dialogue fails we will draw the consequences. We have reasonable hope on the fishery”, specified the Secretary of State for European Affairs to France Televisions.

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