The national secretary of the PCF regrets that the President of the Republic mentioned this term by making a link between the death of the stabbed nurse at the Reims University Hospital and various acts of violence that have occurred recently.
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“Talking about decivilization, it allows not to name the problem and therefore not to solve it”estimates, Thursday, May 25, on franceinfo, the national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel, after Emmanuel Macron evoked a form of “decivilization” in the country during the Council of Ministers the day before.
>> Where does the term decivilation” used by Emmanuel Macron to describe violence in society come from?
The Head of State thus made the link with the nurse from the CHU de Reims killed on Monday by a man suffering from psychiatric disorders and all the violence targeting the police, health professionals and elected officials. “To speak of decivilization by putting pell-mell this atrocious drama of a nurse killed by someone suffering from serious psychiatric disorders, these police officers killed on the road or the violence against the mayor of Saint-Brevin, it is kinda easy”denounces Fabien Roussel.
“When we misname the problems, we don’t solve them.”
Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the PCFat franceinfo
Fabien Roussel, for example, denounces the fact that “psychiatric problems in France are not new, it is a problem of abandoned public services”. “The president has been in power for six years, what has he done for psychiatry?”.
>> Lack of resources, training, staff… Faced with violence in psychiatry, poor caregivers
“A few weeks ago, caregivers specializing in psychiatry were demonstrating to ask for more resources”he recalls. “How many more dramas does it take for there to be a real plan to support psychiatry and the public hospital?”.