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This is part of well-being at work: being able to take your dog to the office and companies have understood this, as in Lille, in the North.
In a communication agency in Lille (Nord), some work more than others. A dozen employees and three dogs share the offices. And the virtues of these hairy collaborators have been tested and proven. “They are also our happiness manager dogs. They ensure a great quality of life at work, de-stress us. When we are a little fast on the files, we see them snoring, taking a nap”argues Alexandra Breyne, co-founder of the agency Word double account.
7% of employers allow dogs in the office
Yago participated in the launch of the agency 16 years ago and since then, each employee has the right to come to work with his pet and it is a relief for everyone. At Simplon, a digital training center, the concept is the same. Here, Moka welcomes visitors. “If we open the door, Moka will walk around and that creates cohesion. Learners talk about the dog, pet the dog”, explains Brune Durand de Rivals, employee at Simplon. A study by the Société Centrale Canine states that nearly 4 out of 10 French people would like to see more dogs in their workplace. Today, only 7% of employers allow it.