Take responsibility for your love for Celine

In 1999, Marc-André Chabot was already working on a work about Celine Dion, the feature film A year with Céline. Today, the director and writer signs his own mini-series dealing with the Quebec diva, but from a new perspective. With It’s cool to love Celine Dion, he proposes to explore the fascination that people of all ages have for Celine Dion, placing her at the rank of phenomenon.

This is how this umpteenth work on Celine Dion stands out: specialists, artists as well as assumed fans approach their uninhibited love for this talented woman. Experts are also at the rendezvous, to provide some explanations to the feelings expressed by the various guests. From one episode to another, the groups of speakers are changed in order to better stick to the themes.

There are four of them, just like the shows: the singer’s unifying effect, her global success, her majestic voice and her taste for fashion. Memories and anecdotes are then told, in addition to being illustrated by nearly 40 years of archives.

The original angle but above all the expressive speakers create a dynamic and authentic series, just like the star. Perceived as true, Celine Dion is adored across borders and generations, which makes her a strong emblem of Quebec culture, to the chagrin of her scorners, but to the delight of her admirers.

It’s cool to love Celine Dion

Elle Fictions, starting November 3, 9 p.m.

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