Take Out the Popcorn begins its fourth season

Hear, hear, movie fans: the fourth season of the podcast Take out the popcorn is thrown.

In the first three episodes, now online, host Catherine Beauchamp discusses the biographical film with author Kim Thúy and director and screenwriter Daniel Roby, conducts a long interview with actor Marc-André Grondin, and discusses documentary with Zaynê Akyol, Léa Clermont-Dion and Ayana O-Shun. In the fourth episode, available from February 2, we will discuss the future of criticism with colleagues specializing in cinema Marc Cassivi and Manon Dumais and director Denis Côté. The other episodes will be posted online every Friday on the digital platforms of Cogeco Media, Spotify, Apple and Google Podcasts, and broadcast the next day on 98.5 FM.

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