Take major measures peacefully

A few weeks ago, I spoke to you about the creation of an international tribunal on the US economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba. Trained by prestigious international jurists, at the initiative of around ten organizations, he sat in the European Parliament, in Brussels, in the center of Europe, on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 November.

This tribunal is intended to be a response to the numerous human rights violations by the US government in the context of the blockade against the socialist Caribbean island. Let us remember that this same government ignores the calls of the international community which, for thirty-one years in a row, has demanded by an overwhelming majority to put an end to this illegal and criminal blockade.

Photo Jacques Lanctôt

The tribunal was chaired by Mr Norman Peach, professor of public and constitutional international law at the University of Hamburg. He is also a member of the Democratic Society of Jurists, of the group of advisors of the International Association of Jurists Against Nuclear Weapons while being a reference in Germany in matters of justice and human rights. In his opening speech, Mr. Peach recalled the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, at the time of the Russell Tribunal charged with judging war crimes committed by the United States government during the Vietnam War: “It is not a question of judge whether North American policy in Vietnam is a disaster or not (which, for the majority of participants, seems obvious). Rather, it is a question of determining whether we respect international law regarding war crimes. It is not a question of condemning a policy in the name of history, nor of judging whether it goes against the interests of humanity. It’s simply a matter of determining whether it falls within the jurisdiction of existing law. » Then he added that these words also apply to this court.

The court heard from numerous witnesses, victims of the implacable policy of the US government towards those who dare to defy the blockade, as well as representatives of Cuban civil society, who came to explain how the blockade affects them in their everyday life, deprives them of their fundamental rights and ruins any hope of better well-being. It was also demonstrated how this blockade affects other countries, due to its extraterritorial nature.

After two days of hearing, the court delivered its expected verdict: Guilty! The United States violates international law and human rights culturally, socially, economically, educationally, in public health, etc. This blockade violates the 1966 International Covenant on Economic Rights and amounts to genocide as defined by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The United States must pay compensation to citizens and businesses affected by the blockade, conclude the six judges.

Take major measures peacefully

Photo Jacques Lanctôt

Spain, the rest…

You remember, two weeks ago, I spoke to you about the somewhat complicated situation in Spain following the result of the last legislative elections. The Socialist Party of Pedro Sánchez had failed to obtain a majority and, to remain in power, it had to forge alliances, including those with the Catalan separatists. They had set certain conditions before agreeing to support the socialist government, including a general amnesty for all those who were accused of sedition, imprisoned or forced into exile for having organized a referendum on the independence of the Catalonia.

However, Pedro Sánchez accepted the amnesty proposal for the approximately three hundred and more independence activists and this Friday, his coalition government, which obtained royal approval, submitted this bill for final adoption, despite the threats from the opposition, the military and the judiciary. Carles Puigdemont can therefore claim that he saved the socialist government and, in return, he will be able to return to the country after a five-year exile.

Take major measures peacefully

Photo Jacques Lanctôt

The right-wing and far-right opposition is at bay, the same one which had demanded and obtained, in 1977, an amnesty law for crimes against humanity committed by the Franco government, thus preventing judgment those responsible, among those who are still alive, for this dark period in the history of Spain. Opponents have promised to do everything possible to prevent the adoption of this bill and to increase procedures and demonstrations.

To be continued, but the Catalan separatists now hold the famous “scales of power”. Can you imagine if the Bloc Québécois was in the same position with a minority government in Ottawa? Ask, among other things, the end of double income tax declaration, or full jurisdiction over immigration, or the repatriation of certain powers in the vast field of communications… and why not Labrador?

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