Take care of your prostate

The prostate, present only in men, is still relatively taboo and we do not always know very well its function, nor the signs that should alert in the event of malfunction. However, it is important not to neglect it.

In fact, each year approximately 50,000 cases of prostate cancer : it is the most common cancer in men but it is very well treated if it is taken care of early. It is therefore essential to take care of your prostate.

Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive the Professor François Desgrandchampsurologist and head of the urology department at Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris, and the author of The prostate: are we talking about it? Hachette editions. Anatomical characteristics, functions and functioning, good habits and advice: we tell you everything about the prostate, and in particular when to consult.

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