Take care of your mental health

One person in five is affected each year by a mental disorder in France. Since the Covid-19 crisis, the number of consultations with psychologists has increased. This is particularly the case for people who had never consulted before.

The subject has been put forward, in the media, but also in series like “In Therapy”. More and more French people are taking the issue of mental health seriously and want to be able to identify and treat these disorders.

Often forgotten, the mental part is an integral part of health. Mental well-being is as important as physical or social well-being in order to be fulfilled on a daily basis. Mental health problems are sometimes more difficult to diagnose and more taboo in our society.

How not to let yourself be overtaken by everyday life and listen to the mental signs? When should a specialist be consulted?

Bintily Diallo review the subject to feel good every day! She receives Christele Albaret, psychosociologist, founder and president of the online platform “La Clinique e-santé”.

When and how to choose a psychotherapy? “C’est la vie” tries to answer them and gives you advice to take care of your mental health.

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