Take care of your couple during the summer

How is your relationship? If more than 80% of French people say that the success of their couple must be a priority, it is however not easy not to let yourself be caught up in everyday life and routine. Between the office and the children, between shopping and TV evenings, we tend to let things go unsaid, to get upset at the slightest reproach from the other, to dream of a lighter life.

However, the couple, based on complicity and intimacy, needs to talk. But how to defuse the routine, to avoid being locked up in a vicious circle of arguments, so that the pleasure is always there?

Geraldine Mayr receives Florence Peltier, couples therapist. She has published several books on this subject, including Make your couple happy (Dunod) and collaborates on the PlaceDuCouple site. It offers leads, and even a method, simple and effective, for all couples who want to succeed in their love life.

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