Taiwan detects two Russian warships off its coast

(Taipei) Taiwan detected two Russian frigates off its east coast on Tuesday, deploying surveillance vessels and planes to scrutinize their movements, the island’s defense ministry said.

The Russian boats were “detected sailing north to south in the waters off our east coast” at 11 p.m. local time (11 a.m. EST), the ministry said in a statement.

The autonomous island monitored the movements of these two buildings, “deployed planes and ships and (activated) missile systems on the coast to stand guard”.

If Taiwan reports almost daily the presence of Chinese boats near its waters, that of Russian vessels is unusual.

The “detachment of Pacific Fleet warships entered the Philippine Sea after crossing the South China Sea,” Russia’s official Interfax news agency said on Tuesday.

The boats carried out several maneuvers, including “a simulated naval battle to repel a missile attack by a fictional enemy from the sea”, according to Interfax.

Like Washington, Taipei’s first ally, and many European countries, Taiwan has imposed sanctions on Moscow since its invasion of Ukraine, particularly on exports of components for computers and machines, a sector in which the island excels.

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