Tahar Rahim and Leïla Bekhti married: he evokes jealousy in their couple!

Comedian Tahar Rahim is already doing his come back on the big screen, a few months after appearing in the cinema in Found Guilty. It will be on view from May 23 Don Juan, alongside Virginie Efira. The day before, the film will be presented in the Cannes Première selection as part of the 75th Cannes Film Festival. On this occasion, the actor gave an interview to Madame Figaro.

Tahar Rahim therefore embodies a revisited version of the mythical character of Don Juan, famous womanizer, under the direction of Serge Bozon. “Don Juan here loves the same woman all his life” precise Madame Figaro, who takes the opportunity to question the 40-year-old comedian on the subject of love. In his private life, the one who is in a relationship with Leïla Bekhti readily admits that he shares this conception there. “Because I live it“, he says. And, responding to the fact that the feature film also evokes “the competition within a couple of actors“, Tahar Rahim assures that in his own couple, it is a subject that does not exist. “I’ve seen it in others, but with Leïla, we were protected by our destinies : we had great roles quickly and at the same time, without one of the two being outdone. It is even an advantage to do the same job: the love and sincerity that bind us allow us to be very fair spectators to each other. And we always encourage each other. Jealousy is not in our DNA“, he adds.

This is not the first time that Tahar Rahim has paid tribute to Leïla Bekhti, the mother of his three children, since he recently said that his other half thus largely understood the fact that he had to make some sacrifices to his career. What does not bother the beautiful actress in the least, who while filming herself at a steady pace – she is soon expected in The torch, on Canal + – supports her lover. On social networks, for example, she let her immense pride burst when Tahar was nominated for the Golden Globes. A solid and loving couple that is a pleasure to see.

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